Plush figures

Surprisingly, plush animals were often used in battery-operated and mechanical bubble blowers in the 1950s in particular. These blowers frequently show the inherent problem of mixing bubble solutions and fuzzy toys -- used ones have often been stained by the dripping solutions.

Front Bear, Dark Brown Wind-up
Circa: 1940s
Front view Jumbo the Elephant (Pink & Gray)
Circa: 1950s
Company: Y Company, Japan
Front view Monkey, Plush
Circa: 1950s
Company: Made in Japan
Front view Mr. Fox the Magician
Circa: 1950s
Company: Yonezawa Toy (US distribution by Cragston)
Blowing bubbles Pustefix Mechanical Bear
Copyright: 1948
Company: Pustefix company (Germany)
Front view Teddy the Balloon Blowing Bear (not bubble blower)
Circa: 1950s?
Company: Alps
Front view Washing Bear, Bubble Blowing
Circa: 1950s
Company: Rosko Steel Inc. and Y Toys
With box Wild West Rodeo Bubbling Bull
Copyright: 1959
Company: Linemar Marx
Orig. Price: $2.00
