Unbelievable Bubble Blower and Book
Book and wand
Book and wand Book Open wand
Types: Related Items, Wand
Category: Books about Bubbles
Company Klutz Press, Palo Alto, CA
Copyright 1995
Orig. price $14.95
Dimensions 9 in x 7 in x 0.3 in
Packaging in bag
Title:The Unbelievable Bubble Book
Authors: John Cassidy with David Stein
Publisher: Klutz Press, Palo Alto, CA
Copyright: 1995
ISBN: 0932592155
Pages: 81

This book comes with "The Bubble Thing," a giant bubble wand with a fabric loop for making huge bubbles, which was invented by David Stein. The book contains facts and trivia about the science of bubbles as well as a "how-to" section. One creation described is The Incredible Blimp Bubble, an 8-foot diameter, traffic-stopping, outdoor-only monster bubble.

The dimensions above are for the book. The bubble blower itself consists of three plastic tubes and a length of fabric. In package it is 12 inches x 3.5 inches x 1 inch.
